

Access the country's leading vehicle data and analytics platform

Experience the Future of Automotive Software with COSTAR and Vehicle Logic

Are you ready to take your automotive game to the next level?  We are thrilled to introduce our groundbreaking partnership with Vehicle Logic, Australia’s premier vehicle data and analytics platform that has vowed: “To liberate the motor industry from overly complex, error ridden, product information”.


The future is here, and it’s all about precision, efficiency and reliability. Effective immediately, COSTAR will replace the Njoy Fitment Guide with Vehicle Logic’s comprehensive database. This transition provides our customers with access to an enhanced data set – one of the highest industry standards in Australia.

Why This Partnership Matters

At COSTAR, we believe in progress, and this partnership signifies a leap forward in the world of automotive software. With Vehicle Logic by our side, we are redefining what’s possible for your automotive business.

Join Us in the Future of Automotive Software

COSTAR has always been driven by innovation and excellence, and our partnership with Vehicle Logic is a testament to that commitment. We invite you to explore the possibilities and discover how this collaboration will revolutionise your automotive operations.

Contact us today to learn more about this exciting partnership and what it means for you.

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Our specialist team brings more than 70 years of combined experience to the table, offering powerful solutions to make your tyre or automotive business more efficient, profitable and less reliant on you.

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